How to Craft an Effective Evergreen Email Sequence

Learn what an evergreen email sequence is, why it’s important, the benefits of implementing one, and how you can get started with your evergreen email series today!  

What Is an Evergreen Email Sequence? 

An evergreen email sequence is a set of emails that you automate and use for email marketing without having to write and schedule brand-new emails week after week. It is a collection of emails, typically featuring your most popular content that is set on an automatic schedule. 

Then, when new subscribers sign up for your email list, they are added to the evergreen sequence and begin receiving emails with some of your best content right away! 

As the name suggests, evergreen emails contain content that stays evergreen or relevant no matter the year, season, etc. They should not contain facts that may change, references to seasonal trends, or anything that may date them quickly. 

Once written and implemented, an evergreen email series creates a broadcast schedule that is completely hands-off for you! 

Benefits and Why It’s Important

Unlike quick start guides or weekly email broadcasts that need continual monitoring and active engagement on your part week after week, evergreen email sequences can essentially be implemented once and never touched again yet continually bring traffic to your blog and create raving fans! 

As a result, effective evergreen email sequences can: 

  • Help save you hours and hours of time, eliminating the need to write and schedule emails each week. 

  • Improve your relationship with your audience as you are continuously in their inbox, providing relevant helpful information that will actually want to see. As a result, they’ll begin to trust you much faster and will be much more likely to engage with your content. 

  • Help make marketing easy, eliminating the stress of constantly needing to promote your food blog, cookbook sales, ebook, or any other offers you may want to sell. 

  • Boost your sales and revenue by reminding your audience of various offers, including affiliate links, and driving traffic to your food blog, thereby increasing your ad income. 

Is an Evergreen Email Sequence Different from a Broadcast Email Sequence? 

Yes! The two are often confused but are not crafted the same and do not achieve the same goals. 

An evergreen sequence is meant to be a long-running series of emails that delivers your best content to your readers’ inboxes, developing a long-term relationship and trust. 

An email broadcast is meant to be a short, timely email with news or promotions you want your audience to see. This often takes the form of “what you missed on the blog this week,” meal plans, and short-term sales. 

A broadcast email is a one-time message that gets sent to current subscribers whereas a forever series is delivered in order to new subscribers no matter whenever they subscribe to your list. 

How to Set Up an Effective Evergreen Email Sequence

  1. State a common problem or question your audience has. 

  2. Relate to the problem, showing you’ve been in their shoes and have gotten out. 

  3. Provide a link to the solution and elaborate on why it’s right for them or how it can help them. 

  4. Make it clickable! Add an enticing image and a visible button that directs readers to your content. 

You can view an example of this process in this evergreen email example. Once you have that down, all you have to do is repeat the process a few times, automate your emails, and you’re done! 

Ideas for Evergreen Email Sequences for Food Bloggers

Not sure where to begin? Try writing about some of the topics below! 

  • New recipes on your blog

  • Weekly meal plans

  • Seasonal meal plans

  • DIY recipes

  • Holiday-themed recipes (cocktails, cookies, desserts, etc.)

  • How to go gluten-free

  • How to clean fruit

  • A guide to properly cooking chicken

  • How to save money when grocery shopping/budget-friendly recipes

Common Questions When Crafting an Evergreen Email Sequence

  • It’s up to you! They can be as long or as short as you want them to be, spanning a few months or several years. I recommend having at least three to six months’ worth of content when you start. You can always add to your sequence and adjust the content later. Or, hire a ghostwriter to help stay on top of your emails, making the whole process completely hands-off. 

  • There are really no rules when it comes to crafting an evergreen email sequence. You know your audience best. However, no matter what you’re writing about, you’ll want to make sure that it’s informative and helpful for the members of your audience. We want to provide value not just spam their email accounts! 

  • Technically, no. Your evergreen sequence can go on forever if you wish. Or, end it with a call to action or by directing your subscribers to another landing page or subscription. It’s up to you! 

Implement an Effective Evergreen Email Sequence Today

Implementing an evergreen email sequence is one of the easiest ways for all bloggers, not just food bloggers, to improve traffic on their site, build a loyal fan base that is entirely their own, boost revenue through ads, promotions, and affiliate links, and boost engagement with their content! Even better, a well-done evergreen email sequence can be created once and essentially never touched again. 
Looking for help getting your email sequence started? I’m here to help! Check out my packages, or send me a message. I’d love to chat!