How to Make A Quick Start Guide & Grow Your Email List

Learn what a quick start guide email series is, why they’re effective, and how to implement one to grow your email list right away!  

Growing Your Email List

If you’re a blogger, you probably already know the importance of growing your email list. It’s one of the easiest, most effective ways to generate traffic to your blog and ensures you have a connection with your audience, even if social media crashes. 

Of course, creating regular email blasts and forever series is important. However, implementing a quick start guide, otherwise known as an email series, is one of the fastest ways to grow your email list quickly and create die-hard fans in the process! 

The Benefits of Growing Your Email List

In addition to being able to create an engaged, trusting community, growing your email list is an excellent way to: 

  • Drive traffic to your blog

  • Share and repurpose content (which is then shared by others again)

  • Provide even more value and interact 1:1 with readers

  • Build trust and loyalty

  • Implement marketing strategies and sales for your offers, affiliates, etc. 

What Is a Quick Start Guide, and How Does It Come Into Play? 

A quick start guide is typically a series of emails, typically three to five, that delivers some of your best content right to your readers’ inboxes. As mentioned, this is one of the fastest ways to grow your audience and create lifelong fans, because it delivers helpful, informative content on a topic they’re interested in without them having to spend hours scouring your blog. 

After the series has ended, readers should be shuffled into your standard email list to receive your regular broadcasts. However, unlike random subscribers, they will already be primed to open your content and eager to read what you send. It’s even better than offering a free ebook or downloadable as readers gain access to the information they want, and you gain traffic to your blog! 

How to Implement a Quick Start Guide to Grow Your Email List

When it comes to creating a quick start guide, you want to either address common questions your readers have or choose a topic they’re interested in. (See below for ideas. Then, follow the steps below: 

  1. Write each email. 

  2. Link already published articles. 

  3. Add them to a series in your newsletter platform of choice.

  4. Implement a pop-up page on your site. 

I recommend rotating through different pop-ups throughout the year to keep your content fresh, relevant, and interesting! 

Writing the Emails in Your Email Series

Don’t stress about writing lengthy, informative emails for your quick start guide. Instead, you want to keep the articles short and to the point. Readers skim, anyway! 

  1. Write an introduction. Start off with a personalized greeting, and let readers know what series they’re reading and where they are in the lineup.

  2. State the problem or pain point. Using one to two sentences, point out a common problem you’re planning to solve in the email. I recommend making this part bold!

  3. Relate. Follow up with another sentence or two relating to the issue and positioning yourself as an authority by ensuring readers that you have been in their shoes and overcome whatever they are going through.

  4. Provide the solution. Follow this reassurance with a couple of sentences or bullet points as to how the article you’re giving them can help them solve their problem.

  5. Link to your content. Add an image or link (I like both) to the content you promised was the answer to their problem. Make it big and bold! Many readers won’t even read the rest of the article.

  6. Sign-off. You’re done! Now, just sign off and let readers know what’s coming next. The easiest way to do this is with a short “P.S.” at the end. 

Ideas for a Quick Start Guide to Grow Your Email List

Not sure where to begin? Try out some of the ideas below! 

  • Your Ultimate Thanksgiving Menu

  • 5 Days of Christmas Cookies

  • How to Build a Charcuterie Board

  • Your Complete Cocktail Guide 

  • 5 Fall Soup Recipes

  • 5 Pumpkin Recipes for Fall

  • Gluten-Free Eating for Beginners

  • 5-Day Keto Meal Plan

  • 5 Ways to Save on Groceries

  • My Complete Christmas Menu

  • 5 Brunch Ideas for the Holidays

  • Your Complete Guide to Seasonal Eating

  • The BEST Comfort Food Recipes

  • How to Build a Healthy Salad That Isn’t Bland or Boring

  • 5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for the Week 

Implement Your Quick Start Guide Series and Grow Your Email List

Start building and implementing your quick start guide and growing your email list right away! Still not sure where to start or don’t have the time? Check out my offers, and inquire about how to work with me to grow your email list today!