Pinterest Subscriptions

for Busy Food Bloggers

Review results and design samples here.

Starter Package

This package is for food bloggers who have a limited amount of content or are just starting and know they can have a massive audience on Pinterest but just don’t have the time or bandwidth to put in the work!


- 7 pins/ week

- 3 idea pins/week

- Cleanup/ setup of Pinterest account

- Keyword research for pin titles and descriptions

- Monthly analytics report

- Weekly stats monitored

Cost: $1,500/month


“Shyanne is by far the best. She does whatever I need her to so quickly, efficiently, and with attention to detail. She has all of the skills I lack and I couldn’t be successful without her.”

— Rachel Paul from and @CollegeNutritionist


Pro Package

This package is for food bloggers who have a large amount of content across a variety of platforms and just can’t juggle another platform but are eager to grow their food blog and revenue through Pinterest.


- 20 pins/ week

- 7 idea pins/week

- Cleanup/ setup of Pinterest account

- Keyword research for pin titles and descriptions

- Weekly idea pin repurposing or designs

- Monthly analytics report

- Weekly stats monitored

Cost: $3,000/month


“After many sleepless nights and quite a few silent tears, I realized it was time to delegate some tasks. Enter Shyanne- I assumed she would help me with updating my website but she has helped me with so much more. Any task that I hand over is completed with the utmost professionalism and is done with ease. My only regret is not reaching out to her sooner!” — Kelly, from The Kelly Kathleen and @thekellykathleen


Food Blogging Pinterest Results & Samples



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